
Understanding Bodybuilding Home Gyms

When people talk about bodybuilding home gyms they imagine a big room with guys built like a city bus and dumbbells and barbells on the floor. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There are now bodybuilding home gyms that take up little space and don't look like they came from a gym.

For those who can't sleep well sometimes, a person has more than likely seen the half hour infomercial about how a person can get into shape in six weeks. What most of these infomercials don't tell people is that the person must commit everything to build muscle and lose weight. So don't run out and buy the next big thing and think a person will get into shape by using it twice. It does take a commitment and hard work.

One Bodybuilding home gym that is easy to use and actually fun is the Bow flex. The Bow flex is compact and can be folded in half to store it easier. If it is used correctly, it will do the job. The commitment has to be there or one will quit. Some people have spent good money for one that is relegated to having clothes hang on it.

It is easy because the user can do many different exercises without having to stop and change weights or get extra parts. The bow flex is designed to be able to do numerous exercises without making changes. Sometimes all that is necessary is for the person to sit up or turn around on the bench and do a whole list of new exercises.

Bodybuilding Home Gyms For Personal Use

The bow flex is one of the bodybuilding home gyms that will work quite well. There are others that can be effective also and still look good in ones home. The Galena is a complete workout machine that has been voted the best new deal in equipment. Using a combination of weights and the machine itself, a person can get a workout about the same as they might get at any gym. Another bodybuilding home gym is the Condor which is compact yet versatile and still gives people an excellent workout with the ability to store it in a corner were it is out of the way.

Whichever bodybuilding home gym a person decides on, if they stick with it they will see results and feel a lot better than before. Seeing results is a great jumpstart. Make sure to take pictures from the time they start to the current. Take a picture about twice a month and watch thru pictures the progress that the person has made.

Dumbbells and Barbells

The most versatile of all your body building home gym equipment has got to be adjustable dumbbells. You can perform a vast array of muscle pumping exercises with them and they create a more cut physique. This is because it takes more effort to stabilize the dumbbells which in turn kick starts those muscle cells to create more mass.

Barbells, specifically the Olympic variety, are the second most important piece of body building home gym equipment you can invest in. These will allow you to add on or take away weights during your training and are also the best way to add muscle bulk more quickly.

Weight Benches

A weight bench, specifically an adjustable one with a leg curl and extension attachment is optimal for your body building home gym equipment. This versatile weight bench allows you to work your muscles in different ways besides what the dumbbells and barbells can do. If you add the optional bar pull down attachment, you can virtually perform every weight exercise possible.

Chin Up and Be a Dip

Both a dip station as well as a chin up bar with a squat rack can add another dimension to your workout. This body building home gym equipment will take you far past the dumbbell performance and challenge you physically just as a dip station where you work against your own body weight.

Protection Items

While not an actual piece of body building home gym equipment, protection items such as weight belts and gloves are essential for your safety when pumping iron. The gloves will help keep those sweaty hands for hindering your grip on those weights. The weight belt will help stabilize your back and abdominal muscles to avoid injury.

There are a number of other things you can invest in when it comes to your body building home gym equipment. A calf raising machine, cable and pulley weight system, easy bars and even an exercise ball can all add an additional element to your workout routines.