
Power boating: Is it the Same as Driving a Car?

Power boating has often been compared to driving a car, but there are major differences between the two. They may both have a steering wheel, but there is more to the power boating experience, which is really a whole new ball game.

To begin with, in power boating, one does not have the facility of brakes, as is the case with driving a car. To slow the boat down, one has to first throttle down, and put the engine into idle mode before then shifting into reverse.

Not bringing the engine to idle and reversing it will surely destroy the gear box. This makes slowing down a power boat much slower, and one should approach the docks as well as other objects slowly.

Essential Differences in Turning

Turning is also different, and power boating requires getting the rear end to turn first and then the front end follows, which is the complete opposite of how a car turns. Turning the wheel on the power boat causes the stern to swing in a great curve, and the boat will change direction.

There should be enough room for the stern to swing before attempting a power boating turn. That is not all to how power boating differs from steering a car.

There is another major difference between the two, and that is what will happen when one stops. When a car stops, it will stay stationary, but when the boat stops there may be changes in the water currents that will cause it to keep moving.

These result in having to carefully maneuver the boat towards the dock. Once one understands how power boats work, it should be easy to enjoy the power boating experience.

Power boating is also referred to as Stink Boating by sailors. The first one was Robert Fulton's invention named Clermont, which was the first commercial steamboat in the world.

At present, those simple steamboats have been replaced by millions of power boats that are traversing the waters with abandon. There are now many different types of power boats that each have different defining characteristics.

Getting the best out of your power boating experience requires that you choose the right power boat. You will certainly need to consider how big is it, how much speed it has, as well as what the cost is.

In addition, you would also need to investigate the hull design, engine as well as drive system to get the best from your power boating. Also, you would need to understand how the boats respond to one's touch.

Every boat has its own characteristics, though they all work on the same principles. Knowing why the boat floats, why does it heel, and how will it respond in the water are important considerations that need to be dealt with to get better power boating results.