
Blood Pressure Log Helps Find High Blood Pressure Cause

When there is no apparent cause for high blood pressure, a physician may request the patient maintain a blood pressure log to help determine the cause. By using the log the doctor can see if there are any factors that cause the pressure to build or drop to dangerous levels, including specific activities or unusual diet.

The blood pressure log should be maintained daily, and involves taking the blood pressure at least three times each day, more if recommended by the doctor, entering the blood pressure each time. Additionally, if the blood pressure is significantly higher at any point, any activities being conducted should also be noted in the blood pressure log. While it is typical for a person's blood pressure to go up during physical activity, the type of activity and the duration can help the doctor determine if the increase in pressure is typical for that exercise period.

If the blood pressure is higher after a meal, enter the types of food or drink consumed in the blood pressure log to help determine if a particular food or spice is responsible for the high blood pressure. It is not uncommon for renal problems to attribute to high blood pressure and many times a person's diet can contribute to these causes.

Medication Adjustments May Be Needed

When a person is taking high blood pressure medication, there will be times when there may be an adjustment needed and keeping a good blood pressure log can help determine if any is needed. For example, if a person's blood pressure log indicates normal pressure readings in the morning and the middle of the day, but an increase in the afternoon or evening, it may indicate that one of the medications is wearing off throughout the day.

In this event the doctor may choose one of two options, either prescribing a stronger dose, or maybe even a smaller dosage, but have it take twice a day to spread the effects of the medication out over a 24-hour period. By writing all the readings in a blood pressure log the doctor can then track how a new medication schedule is working.

Dealing with controlling blood pressure is not an exact science, and once diagnosed any medication used will be adjusted to supply the proper dose for each individual. While beta-blockers are the primary means of lowering blood pressure, other medications may be needed as indicated in a blood pressure log. By combining a series of drugs, the doctor can usually find a group that works well for everyone.