
Techniques For Striped Bass Fishing

Fishing for striped bass can be done in all types of water and all different seasons. One thing that draws anglers to striped bass fishing is the possibility of catching a monster size fish in all different sets of circumstances. Because the striped bass is anadromous, migrating from salt water to fresh water, the fish can be caught in both salt water and fresh water. This fact also allows striped bass fishing in different seasons based on the migratory and spawning patterns. Popular striped bass fishing can be done in lakes and tributaries, on the open ocean or at the surf side.

Lakes And Tributaries

When fishing for striped bass in fresh water lakes and tributaries most of the fishing will need to be done at deep levels of the lake. The one exception to this is if the bass are schooling. For deep level fishing trolling works well and will be the most effective way to catch the stripers. The striped bass can be picky about baits but will often go for live bates such as shad, shiners and eels. For lures the angler will want to use a deep diving lure that resembles bait fish or even some of the newly developed jigs that are advertised to be for striped bass fishing. Many fresh water lakes now have hybrid striped bass that will provide an exciting large catch. When visiting a new lake it is always good to stop in at the local bait shop and get information on what works well in the area.

The Open Ocean

Many people can attest to the thrill of reeling in a huge striped bass on the open ocean. For the inexperienced striper fisherman a good first choice for fishing for striped bass is to charter a boat and crew that are experienced in the local area and will know the best techniques for the area and the best places to fish for the striped bass. Chartering a boat may be a little more costly but will provide the best open ocean fishing experience. For people who are fishing on a budget another choice that might prove worthwhile is to go on a party boat. These boats take several people on a group fishing trip and provide all the equipment and licensing needed. The angler will want to look at the boats fishing history and make sure that striped bass is one of the targeted fish.

Surf Fishing For Striped Bass

One of the most popular methods for striped bass fishing is surf fishing. Many areas along the Atlantic coast line and even some on the Pacific coast offer great opportunities for surf fishing. When surf fishing, the angler will want to have the right equipment. A ten to twelve foot surf rod with a twenty to forty pound test monofilament line will provide the basics. Live bait which is available in the local area will usually prove to be the best. Clams or mullet seem to work great as these are what the fish feed on much of the time. It is always a good idea to chum the water as this will draw the big fish in. The angler will want to drop his or her line out beyond the third or fourth wave. Some people have found that small fishing/float tubes allow the fisherman to get out a little bit deeper especially in areas with sand bars.