
Users Of Atkins Diet Claim Weight Loss Success

Like many diets on the market, not everyone will share the same results in the terms of weight loss or the speed at which they lose weight. While users of the Atkins diet claim to have experienced success, remaining on the diet throughout the four phases has been difficult to some. Whether it is their commitment to lose weight or the availability to low or no carbohydrate food is seldom explained, but the ones claiming success do so based on the theory of the diet plan.

Essentially, the body gets sugar to burn as energy from two sources. The foods eaten and from fat stored in the body. The Atkins diet claim is that by limiting the amount of sugar consumed by reducing carbohydrate intake will force the body to go to the secondary source of sugar and will begin using the fat stored in the system. Many of those following the Atkins diet claim they have lost considerable weight by counting the carbohydrates they consume while a few other claim the loss has been minimal.

Many studies have been done on different diets, which claim success by a majority of those using them. Whether the diet it calories counting, fat counting or carbohydrate counting, as in the Atkins diet claims have to be tempered with the knowledge of who is conducting the tests.

Health Risk Assessed With Any Diet Plan

With any modification to a person's eating habits, there may be certain health risks involved and there is no secret that moderation is the key to healthy living. One of the Atkins diet claims that the foods eaten will not only induce weight loss, but will also help in establishing healthier eating habits. The Atkins diet claim is based on less fat build up in the system, which may cause sluggishness and may reduce the amount of blood sugar that could cause sleeping problems in some users.

As with any weight loss plan, there will be detractors pointing out what is wrong with the plans and there is little lost on them and the Atkins diet claim for losing about five pounds during the first week of dieting. Some claim this is well above the recommended weight loss by nutritional centers of one to two pounds per week and others who claim that Atkins diet claim of allowing other food to be eaten may lead to an overindulgence of high-fat foods, resulting in an increase of cholesterol.