
Do Not Dismiss Anxiety in Children!

Many people subscribe to the thinking that "children are resilient" and that they can easily get through any difficult situation. However, a loving and concerned parent would never dismiss or discount anxiety in children, and should be willing to take into account their child's concerns and even the possibility of an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety in children can take many forms. It may be just nervousness over the first day of school, tests, dating, changes to their body, and other normal circumstances that are a part of growing up. To simply shove aside or dismiss this type of anxiety in children is somewhat callous and unfeeling, as even adults appreciate it when their concerns are taken in account by those closest to them. Think about it - if you're concerned over a presentation you have at work or a test result from the doctor, don't you want your spouse or friends to listen and empathize? It certainly should be no different when in comes to anxiety in children, even though as adults we know these things are only temporary.

It's noted by psychiatrists that many full-blown anxiety disorders can manifest themselves in teenagers and even those younger than that. Panic attacks and social anxiety disorder can affect anyone at any time, so this type of anxiety in children can simply be due to chemical or hormonal balances in the brain, not due to any certain situations or circumstances. It would be a mistake to think that there is some kind of root cause of these attacks, such as an upcoming test, problems with other children, and so on. Only a doctor can tell for sure if this type of anxiety in children is an actual disorder or just a case of the nerves, as it were.

If you feel that your child has an anxiety disorder, remember that simply trying to talk to him or her or reassure the child may not be enough. While some behavioral or cognitive therapy can help with anxiety in children, he or she may also need certain medications as well. Additionally, it's best if this type of therapy is conducted by a professional. A doctor can certainly give tips to a parent on how he or she can help, but this is not the type of problem that a parent should assume that he or she can handle on their own.