
Portable Air Conditioning for Your Home

Users have found many applications for quiet portable air conditioning, including workrooms, outbuildings, children's playhouses, garages, and others. In fact, the right portable air conditioning unit can be a helpful addition to your home air conditioning. But finding a unit that will adequate cool that hard-to-cool space and also operate quietly can be a bit of a challenge. In fact, one of the main complaints that many users have against portable air conditioning is quiet—or, rather, the lack thereof. Still, there are some units out there that have given good results. Especially if you need to cool a bedroom, quiet portable air conditioning is important and—fortunately—available. That is, if you know where to look.

Finding the Quietest Portable Air Conditioning Units

The Haier HPE07XC6, a 7,500-8,000 BTU unit, has gotten some good notices from users for efficiency and quiet operation. While it shouldn't be expected to crank out the volume of cold air that a comparable window unit will, in situations where a window unit is impossible or impractical, it can do a pretty good job of maintaining a reasonably comfortable temperature. Another unit that users have rated well for quiet operation is the Royal Sovereign ARP 1000ES. This unit has not only been noted for its adequate cooling capacity and relatively quiet operation; users have said that they have successfully used the unit for four years or more, which is a good indicator of quality and dependability.

Where to Find Quiet Portable Air Conditioning Units

Online information sites like and can give you some good leads on comparative equipment and pricing. Your local home improvement store can also be a good source of information, and you can observe the equipment first hand to assure yourself that the portable air conditioning unit is quiet enough for your needs.

Know the Costs

You need to know going in, though, that portable air conditioning units tend to be more expensive than window units with comparable cooling capacity. Additionally, you'll need higher BTU ratings for portable units to get the same cooling characteristics as a window unit for the same room, since portable air conditioning is inherently less efficient than window units. Additionally, there is generally an inverse relationship between cost and noise levels. In other words, the more budget-friendly portable air conditioners may not be the quietest. However, by comparing information and characteristics, you can balance your needs and your budget.